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Concept to Plan on Paper to Reality

Opening up an Adult Day Health Center (ADHC) is no small task, but it surely is a fun-filled and rewarding process. The Evergreen ADHC team started with some conceptual ideas. These ideas were put on paper with the help of several well-wishers (Girish Mehta from Indian Circle for Caring (ICC), Rakesh Kamdar from DB Healthcare, Jayanti Patel from FISCO and many more).

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With their continued support, our parents blessings, and encouragements from family and friends, these plans are now taking physical form.

The Evergreen ADHC will continue to work diligently with the local, state, and federal agencies to get the required approvals.

Please feel free to provide any comments. We will continue to update this page with more progress.

- The Evergreen ADHC Team

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